Log Rap Public Broadcast | Grant Noble

Log Rap Public Broadcast | Grant Noble 

Log Rap Public Broadcasting: A free, independent service with the primary goal of educating the public on surfers that are currently turning heads.

Since the invention of the television PBS has provided cultural programming across many a great nation. Here in the states the channel has provided us with nothing less than amazement, producing shows from The Joy Of Painting with Bob Ross, Sesame Street and even Masterpiece, which has recently been continued for a gobsmacking 48th season (quite literally twice my age).

Inspired by the long, quality run PBS has given the world we at Log Rap have decided to begin our own thread of publicly disseminated information. Quite frankly, anything branded with our "LRPB" monicker means that the accompanying content is something we feel strongly: THE PUBLIC NEEDS TO KNOW.

One part education, one part entertainment, zero dollars coming out of your wallet. Say what you will about the new age media consumption complex but what’s not to love about that?

To kick off our series we’re delighted to bring you friend of the program Mr. Grant Noble from his recent jaunt down in Mexico. While I would normally reserve the “tall dark and handsome” line to describe my Monday morning coffee after a particularly hairy weekend, there is no more apt way to describe Grant. Add in his delightful brand of modern logging coupled with Cole Walton’s creative touch on the back end and this edit pretty much makes itself.

Watch above as Grant dances across Mexico’s left points with friends Tosh Tudor and Ryan Conklin and keep your eyes peeled for more publicly available content coming soon. Suit, tie and anchor desk available upon request.
